do guppy sleep

Do Guppies Really Sleep? Understanding Your Fish’s Resting Patterns

Guppies are small and colorful fish that many people keep as pets in their aquariums. Just like humans, guppies need to rest and sleep. But … Read more

Pink Tuxedo Guppy

Pink Tuxedo Guppy Facts: Cost, Lifespan, Breeding, Health

The Pink Tuxedo Guppy is a small and colorful fish that is popular among aquarium hobbyists. Known for its striking appearance, this guppy has a … Read more

Rare Dragon Guppy

Rare Dragon Guppy Cost:Lifespan, food, Breeding & Health

The rare dragon guppy fish is a unique and beautiful type of aquarium fish. Known for its bright colors and elegant fins, it is a … Read more

Albino koi guppy

Albino koi guppy Cost:Lifespan, food, Breeding & Health

The Albino Koi Guppy is a special and beautiful fish that many people love to keep in their aquariums. This fish is known for its … Read more

Purple Mosaic Guppy

Purple Mosaic Guppy: Lifespan, food, Breeding & Health

The Purple Mosaic Guppy is a small and colorful fish that is popular among aquarium enthusiasts. It is known for its vibrant purple and blue … Read more