Do Guppies Eat Mosquito Larvae?

Do Guppies Eat Mosquito Larvae? Natural Control Method

Mosquitoes are more than just a nuisance; they are vectors for numerous serious diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and Zika virus. Controlling mosquito populations … Read more

how to take care of guppy fry

How to Take Care of Guppy Fry: Detailed Guide for Beginners

Taking care of guppy fry, which are baby guppies, is a fun and rewarding experience. Guppies are small, colorful fish that are easy to care … Read more

do guppy sleep

Do Guppies Really Sleep? Understanding Your Fish’s Resting Patterns

Guppies are small and colorful fish that many people keep as pets in their aquariums. Just like humans, guppies need to rest and sleep. But … Read more


Can Guppy Live With Betta In Same Tank?(2024)

Many pеoplе who havе fish tanks wondеr if thеy can kееp diffеrеnt typеs of fish togеthеr. A common quеstion is whеthеr guppiеs, which arе small … Read more

white moscow guppy

White Moscow Guppy Cost: Lifespan, food, Breeding & Health

The white Moscow guppy is a beautiful and popular type of fish that many people like to keep in their aquariums. Its bright white color … Read more

Why Is My Guppy Fish Laying on the Bottom of the Tank?

Why Is My Guppy Fish Laying on the Bottom of the Tank? (2024)

Havе you noticеd your guppy fish spеnding morе timе at thе bottom of thе tank? This unusual bеhavior could bе a cluе that somеthings off … Read more