Why is my guppy still fat after giving birth (2024)

Having a guppy that stays fat after giving birth can be confusing and worrying. You might wonder if something is wrong with your fish or if this is normal. Guppies are popular pets because they are small, colorful and easy to care for.

However, understanding their health and behavior can sometimes be tricky. This guide will help you learn why your guppy might still look fat after giving birth and what you can do to make sure your fish stays healthy and happy.

Your guppy might still look fat after giving birth for a few reasons. She might still have more babies to give birth to as guppies can have several batches of fry (baby fish) over a few weeks. Another reason could be that she is eating a lot and storing food which makes her look fat. Sometime a guppy might also have health problems like bloating or constipation, which can make her look fat. Keep an eye on her and give her a healthy diet to make sure she stays well.

Why is My Guppy Still Fat After Giving Birth?

Guppies are fascinating and colorful fish that many people enjoy keeping as pets. Sometimes, after a guppy gives birth, she might still look fat. This can be confusing and might make you worry. Here are some reasons why this happens and what you can do about it.

Why is My Guppy Still Fat After Giving Birth?
Why is My Guppy Still Fat After Giving Birth?

She Might Still Be Pregnant

Guppies can give birth to multiple batches of fry (baby fish) over several weeks. Even after giving birth once, your guppy might still be carrying more babies. This is a common reason why she might still look fat.

She’s Eating a Lot

If your guppy is eating well and storing food, she might appear fatter than usual. Make sure you are feeding her the right amount of food and not overfeeding.

Health Issues

Sometimes, health problems like bloating or constipation can make a guppy look fat. If you notice any other signs of illness, like trouble swimming or loss of appetite, you should consult a vet who specializes in fish.

What You Can Do

  • Monitor Her Diet: Ensure you are feeding your guppy a balanced diet and not too much.
  • Check for Illness: Keep an eye out for other signs of health issues and consult a vet if needed.
  • Be Patient: Sometimes, it just takes a bit of time for your guppy to return to her normal size.

Related reading:The Easiest And Simple Way to Breed Guppies

Why Is My Guppy So Fat?

If your guppy looks very fat, there are a few simple reasons why this might be happening:

  1. Pregnancy: If your guppy is female, she might be pregnant. Guppies can have babies often, and a pregnant guppy will look bigger.
  2. Overfeeding: Feeding your guppy too much food can make her fat. Make sure you give her the right amount of food.
  3. Health Issues: Sometimes, guppies can have health problems like bloating or constipation. These issues can make them look fat. If you notice other signs of sickness, like not swimming well or not eating, it’s best to talk to a vet.
  4. Genetics: Some guppies are naturally rounder or bigger than others. If your guppy has always looked a bit fat, this might just be normal for her.

By watching her diet, checking for health problems, and understanding her natural shape, you can help keep your guppy healthy and happy.

Why Does My Guppy Always Look Pregnant?

If your guppy always looks pregnant, it can be puzzling. Here are a few simple reasons why this might happen:

  1. She Might Be Pregnant: Guppies can get pregnant frequently. If you have male and female guppies together, she might be pregnant again soon after giving birth.
  2. She Eats a Lot: If your guppy eats a lot, she might store extra food, making her look fat. Make sure you’re not overfeeding her.
  3. Health Issues: Sometimes guppies can have health problems like bloating or constipation, which can make them look fat. If you notice other signs of illness it’s good to check with a vet.
  4. Genetics: Some guppies naturally have a rounder shape. If your guppy has always looked a bit fat, it might just be her normal body shape.

Keep an eye on her, give her a balanced diet and make sure she stays healthy and active.

 pragnent guppy
pragnent guppy

How to Know When Your Guppy is Finished Giving Birth?

Understanding when your guppy has finished giving birth is important for her health and well-being. Here are detailed signs to look for:

No More Fry

When your guppy is done giving birth, you will no longer see baby fish (fry) being released. A female guppy can give birth to anywhere from 20 to 200 fry, depending on her size and health. If you see a lot of fry swimming around and no new ones appearing for some time, it’s a sign that she has likely finished giving birth.

Normal Behavior

Once your guppy has completed the birthing process, her behavior will return to normal. This means she will start swimming around the tank as usual. She will show interest in her surroundings and may begin to explore and interact with other fish again. A significant change in her activity, such as moving from a quiet corner to more active swimming, indicates she is done giving birth.

Smaller Belly

After giving birth, your guppy’s belly will become noticeably smaller and less round. While she may still look a bit bigger than before pregnancy due to some remaining weight, the dramatic fullness will have reduced. You can observe her from the side to notice this change more clearly. If her belly no longer looks stretched and swollen, she has likely finished delivering her fry.


Following the birth, your guppy might spend some time resting. This is a normal part of recovery. She may choose to hide among plants or decorations in the tank and remain still for periods. This resting phase is crucial for her to regain strength. Once she has rested sufficiently, she will become more active and start swimming around the tank as usual.

Tips for Post-Birth Care

  • Provide a Safe Environment: Ensure the tank has plenty of hiding spots for both the mother and the fry. Plants, rocks, and other decorations can offer necessary cover.
  • Proper Nutrition: Give your guppy high-quality food to help her regain strength. Consider feeding her small amounts of protein-rich foods like brine shrimp or daphnia.
  • Monitor Health: Keep an eye on her health and behavior. If she seems lethargic for too long or shows signs of illness, consider consulting a vet who specializes in fish.
  • Separate Fry if Necessary: If you have other fish in the tank, you might need to separate the fry to protect them from being eaten. Use a breeding box or a separate tank for this purpose.

By looking for these signs and providing proper care, you can ensure that your guppy is healthy and recovers well after giving birth.


If your guppy still looks fat after giving birth, there are a few reasons this might be happening. She could still be carrying more babies, or she might be eating a lot and storing extra food. Health issues like bloating or constipation can also make her look fat. Lastly, some guppies naturally have a rounder shape.

To help your guppy, make sure she has a healthy diet and watch for any signs of illness. Understanding these reasons can help you take better care of your guppy, keeping her healthy and happy.

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