How to Take Care of Guppy Fry: Detailed Guide for Beginners

Taking care of guppy fry, which are baby guppies, is a fun and rewarding experience. Guppies are small, colorful fish that are easy to care for, making them a popular choice for both beginners and experienced fish keepers. When guppy fry are born, they need special attention to ensure they grow up healthy and strong. Here are some simple tips to help you take care of your guppy fry.

First, make sure to separate the fry from the adult guppies. Adult guppies might eat the fry, so it’s best to move the babies to a separate tank or use a breeding box. Next, provide clean water for the fry by regularly changing part of the tank water. Clean water helps keep the fry healthy and free from diseases.

Feeding the fry is very important. They need small, frequent meals because their stomachs are tiny. You can feed them special fry food or crushed fish flakes. Make sure the food is small enough for the fry to eat easily. Also, keep the water temperature warm and steady, around 76 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, to help the fry grow quickly.

Lastly, ensure the tank has some hiding spots, like plants or decorations. These will help the fry feel safe and reduce stress. With these basic steps, you’ll be able to watch your guppy fry grow into beautiful adult guppies.

To take care of guppy fry, start by moving them to a separate tank or a breeding box to keep them safe from adult guppies. Keep the water clean by changing part of it regularly and maintain a warm temperature between 76 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Feed the fry small, frequent meals using special fry food or crushed fish flakes. Finally, add plants or decorations to the tank to provide hiding spots and reduce their stress. These simple steps will help your guppy fry grow healthy and strong.

How to Take Care of Guppy Fry?

Taking care of guppy fry or baby guppies, can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Guppies are small, colorful fish that are popular among both beginners and experienced fish keepers. However, the tiny fry require special care to ensure they grow up healthy and strong. This guide will provide detailed steps and tips on how to care for your guppy fry.

Related reading: Do Guppies Eat Their Babies?

how to take care of guppy fry
guppy fry

1. Setting Up a Separate Tank

When guppy fry are born, it’s crucial to separate them from adult guppies to prevent them from being eaten. Here’s how to set up a safe environment for them:

  • Separate Tank: Ideally, set up a separate tank for the fry. A small tank, around 5 to 10 gallons, is sufficient.
  • Breeding Box: If a separate tank is not an option, use a breeding box inside the main tank. This box keeps the fry safe while allowing water to circulate.
  • Water Quality: Ensure the water is clean and free from toxins. Use a water conditioner to remove chlorine and other harmful chemicals from tap water.

2. Maintaining Clean Water

Clean water is essential for the health and growth of guppy fry. Here’s how to maintain water quality:

  • Regular Water Changes: Change about 20-30% of the water every week to keep it clean. Use a siphon to remove debris from the bottom of the tank.
  • Filter: Use a gentle filter to keep the water clean. A sponge filter is ideal as it doesn’t create strong currents that can harm the fry.
  • Water Testing: Regularly test the water for ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates using a water testing kit. Safe levels are 0 ppm for ammonia and nitrites, and below 20 ppm for nitrates.

3. Feeding the Fry

Guppy fry have small stomachs and need frequent feeding. Proper nutrition is key to their growth and development:

  • Small, Frequent Meals: Feed the fry 3-4 times a day. Small, frequent meals are better than one large meal.
  • Food Type: Use special fry food or crush regular fish flakes into a fine powder. You can also feed them baby brine shrimp or microworms, which are excellent protein sources.
  • Amount: Only give as much food as the fry can eat in a few minutes. Overfeeding can pollute the water and harm the fry.

4. Maintaining the Right Temperature

Temperature plays a crucial role in the growth of guppy fry. Keeping the water at the right temperature helps them develop properly:

  • Ideal Temperature: Maintain the water temperature between 76 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (24-27 degrees Celsius).
  • Heater: Use an aquarium heater to keep the water at a consistent temperature. Ensure the heater is suitable for the size of your tank.
  • Thermometer: Place a thermometer in the tank to monitor the temperature regularly and make adjustments as needed.

5. Providing Hiding Spots

Guppy fry need places to hide to feel safe and reduce stress. Here’s how to create a comfortable environment:

  • Plants: Add live or artificial plants to the tank. Plants provide hiding spots and help maintain water quality by absorbing nitrates.
  • Decorations: Include small decorations or rocks that offer additional hiding places.
  • Breeding Mops: You can also use breeding mops, which are easy to make and provide excellent cover for the fry.

6. Monitoring the Fry

Regular monitoring is essential to ensure the fry are healthy and growing well:

  • Daily Checks: Observe the fry daily to check for signs of illness or stress. Look for active, healthy fry that swim freely.
  • Health Issues: Be aware of common health issues such as fungal infections or parasites. If you notice any signs of illness, consult a veterinarian or a knowledgeable fish keeper for advice.
  • Growth Tracking: Keep track of the fry’s growth. Healthy fry should grow noticeably each week.

7. Transitioning to Adult Care

As the fry grow, their care needs will change. Here’s how to transition them to adult care:

  • Increasing Food Size: Gradually increase the size of the food as the fry grow. You can start feeding them regular fish flakes or pellets.
  • Reducing Feeding Frequency: As the fry mature, reduce the feeding frequency to twice a day.
  • Tank Size: Consider moving the growing fry to a larger tank if needed. Ensure they have enough space to swim and grow.
  • Introducing to Adult Tank: When the fry are large enough not to be eaten, you can gradually introduce them to the adult tank. Use a divider to allow the fry to get used to the adult guppies before fully integrating them.

8. Tips for Success

Here are some additional tips to ensure the successful care of your guppy fry:

  • Patience: Raising fry requires patience. It takes time for them to grow and develop.
  • Consistency: Be consistent with your care routine. Regular feeding, water changes, and monitoring are crucial.
  • Learning: Continuously learn about guppy care. Join online forums, read books, and seek advice from experienced fish keepers.
  • Record Keeping: Keep a log of your care routine, including feeding times, water changes, and observations. This helps track progress and identify any issues early.

Best Food for Guppy Fry

Feeding guppy fry or baby guppies, is a crucial part of ensuring they grow up healthy and strong. Guppy fry have tiny stomachs and require specific foods that are easy for them to eat and packed with the necessary nutrients. In this guide, we will explore the best foods for guppy fry, how to feed them, and tips for ensuring they get the nutrition they need.

Relate reading: How to Feed Guppies

Best Food for Guppy Fry
Best Food for Guppy Fry

1. Understanding Guppy Fry Nutrition

Guppy fry need a diet high in protein and other essential nutrients to support their rapid growth and development. The right food will help them build strong bodies and vibrant colors. Here are some key points to understand about guppy fry nutrition:

  • High Protein: Protein is crucial for growth. Look for foods that are rich in protein to support healthy development.
  • Small Size: The food must be small enough for the fry to eat. They have tiny mouths and can’t eat large particles.
  • Frequent Feeding: Guppy fry need to eat multiple times a day because their stomachs are small and they digest food quickly.

2. Types of Food for Guppy Fry

There are several types of food that are excellent for guppy fry. Here’s a detailed look at each option:

Special Fry Food

Special fry food is designed specifically for baby fish. It is finely ground and contains the right balance of nutrients.

  • Benefits: Easy to eat, nutritionally balanced, and readily available at pet stores.
  • How to Use: Follow the feeding instructions on the packaging. Typically, a small pinch is enough for each feeding session.

Crushed Fish Flakes

Crushed fish flakes are a convenient option if you already have fish flakes at home. Simply crush the flakes into a fine powder.

  • Benefits: Easily available, cost-effective, and familiar to many fish keepers.
  • How to Use: Crush a small amount of flakes between your fingers until it is powdery. Feed small pinches to the fry.

Baby Brine Shrimp

Baby brine shrimp, also known as brine shrimp nauplii, are one of the best foods for guppy fry due to their high protein content.

  • Benefits: High in protein, easy to digest, and promotes rapid growth.
  • How to Use: You can buy live or frozen baby brine shrimp. If using live shrimp, hatch them in a separate container and rinse before feeding. For frozen shrimp, thaw them in tank water before feeding.


Microworms are tiny worms that are easy to culture at home and provide excellent nutrition for guppy fry.

  • Benefits: High in protein, easy to culture, and readily consumed by fry.
  • How to Use: Cultivate microworms in a small container with a mixture of oatmeal and yeast. Harvest the worms and rinse before feeding to the fry.


Infusoria are tiny aquatic organisms that are ideal for the smallest fry, especially in the first few days after birth.

  • Benefits: Natural, easy to culture, and perfect for newborn fry.
  • How to Use: Create an infusoria culture by placing a piece of vegetable (such as a lettuce leaf) in a jar of water. After a few days, the water will be teeming with infusoria, which you can pour into the fry tank.

3. Feeding Schedule

A proper feeding schedule is essential for the health and growth of guppy fry. Here’s how to structure their feeding:

  • Frequency: Feed guppy fry 3-4 times a day. Their small stomachs require frequent meals.
  • Amount: Only give as much food as the fry can consume in a few minutes. Overfeeding can pollute the water and harm the fry.
  • Observation: Watch the fry during feeding to ensure they are eating. Remove any uneaten food to keep the tank clean.

4. Tips for Successful Feeding

Here are some additional tips to ensure your guppy fry get the best nutrition:

  • Variety: Offer a variety of foods to provide a balanced diet. Rotating between different types of food can ensure they get all the necessary nutrients.
  • Cleanliness: Keep the tank clean by removing uneaten food and performing regular water changes. Clean water is vital for the health of the fry.
  • Growth Monitoring: Monitor the growth of the fry. Healthy fry should grow visibly each week. If growth seems slow, consider adjusting their diet or feeding frequency.

5. Culturing Live Foods

Culturing live foods like microworms and infusoria at home can be a cost-effective and reliable way to provide high-quality nutrition to your guppy fry. Here’s a brief guide on how to culture these foods:

Culturing Microworms

  • Setup: Use a small plastic container with a lid. Mix oatmeal and water to create a thick paste, and add a pinch of yeast.
  • Inoculation: Add a starter culture of microworms to the container.
  • Harvesting: After a few days, you’ll see microworms climbing the sides of the container. Use a small brush to collect them and rinse before feeding.

Culturing Infusoria

  • Setup: Fill a jar with dechlorinated water and add a piece of vegetable, like a lettuce leaf.
  • Inoculation: Allow the jar to sit in a sunny spot for a few days. The water will become cloudy with infusoria.
  • Harvesting: Use a turkey baster to collect the infusoria-rich water and add it to the fry tank.

6. Common Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid these common mistakes to ensure your guppy fry thrive:

  • Overfeeding: Overfeeding can lead to poor water quality and health issues. Feed only what the fry can eat in a few minutes.
  • Inconsistent Feeding: Skipping feedings or irregular feeding schedules can stunt the growth of the fry.
  • Poor Water Quality: Failing to maintain clean water can lead to disease and death. Regular water changes are essential.


Caring for guppy fry can be a fulfilling experience. By providing a safe environment, maintaining clean water, feeding them properly, and monitoring their health, you can ensure your guppy fry grow into healthy and vibrant adult guppies. Remember to be patient and consistent in your care, and enjoy watching your baby guppies thrive

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