Guppies are vibrant, active freshwater fish that are well-liked by aquarium owners. They are good for beginners because they are simple to breed and care for and they belong to the Poeciliidae family. One of the common questions that guppy owners have is how long can guppies live without food? The duration of a guppy without food depends on age, health, and temperature.
Healthy adult guppies can survive without food for up to two weeks. While Guppy fry (baby guppies) can only survive without feeding for one or two days. However, long-term fasting of guppies is not advised, as this can lead to stress and health issues. For long-term care, proper feeding and preparation are crucial.
How long do guppies live without food?
Healthy adult guppies can survive without food for up to two weeks. However, guppy fry (baby guppies) can only survive for one or two days without food. If you are planning to leave your guppies for a long time, you should prepare your aquarium properly before leaving.
For example, you should do a bigger water change, clean the filter, install a timer for the lights, and remove any dead plants or fish. You should also avoid overfeeding your guppies before leaving, as this can cause water quality issues. I hope this helps you take care of your guppies
What do guppy fish eat?
Guppy fish are omnivorous, eating both plants and animals. They feed on insects, crustaceans, algae, and detritus in the wild.
In captivity, they can be fed a variety of foods, including flakes, pellets, live or frozen foods, vegetables, and fruits. But not every guppy can eat every food and some may require a different diet than others.
It is crucial to provide a balanced and varied diet for guppies and avoid overfeeding them.

- Live or frozen foods like baby brine shrimp, daphnia, bloodworms, tubifex worms, mosquito larvae, and micro worms are rich in protein and essential nutrients, stimulating natural hunting behavior.
- Flakes or pellets are formulated for guppies and contain a mix of plant and animal ingredients, but should be soaked in water before feeding.
- Vegetables like cucumber, zucchini, lettuce, spinach, peas, carrots, and pumpkin provide fiber and vitamins, and can help prevent constipation and bloating.
- Fruits like banana, apple, pear, melon, and berries provide natural sugars and antioxidants, adding variety to the guppy diet.
How long do guppies live without food in a bowl?
Guppies in a bowl usually survive three to five days without food. It is not advised to keep guppies in a bowl because doing so can have negative effects on their health and general wellbeing.
Typically, bowls have unstable water characteristics, are too small, and lack filtration and aeration. Bowl guppies are more prone to stress-related illnesses, early mortality, and other problems.
If you have to keep your guppies in a bowl, you should be aware that their feeding capacity is lower than that of guppies kept in a good aquarium. This is because, in the lack of routine maintenance, the water quality can deteriorate faster in bowls due to their smaller water volume and less number of helpful bacteria.
Additionally, guppies in a dish may get angry and more hungry, possibly even eating their own fries or each other
As a result, the size of the bowl, the quantity of guppies, the temperature, and the quality of the water all affect the answer to your question. You should try to feed your guppies at least once a day, or find them a better home as soon as possible, as this is not a humane or healthy way to treat them. I hope this explains to you what your guppies need.
How long can guppy fry go without food?
Guppy fry (baby guppies) can only survive without feeding for a one or two days. If your tank has guppy fry, you should feed them once a day at least.
If you will be gone for longer than two days, you need to use an automatic feeder. Due to their fast growth and development, guppies fry require more food than adult guppies.
You can give them pellets or flakes that have been finely crushed, as well as live or frozen feeds like young brine shrimp, daphnia, or micro worms.

How long can guppy fry go without food in a bowl?
Guppy fry requires more food and attention than adult guppies, therefore, keeping them in a bowl is not a good option.
After being without food for more than one or two days, guppies could die from hunger or unclean water. You should feed your guppy fry in a bowl at least once a day, or use an automatic feeder if you will be gone for longer than two days.
Additionally, you should regularly replace the water and give the fry some plants or hiding places.
How long can guppy fry go without food in a tank?
Guppy fry (baby guppies) can only survive without feeding for one or two days in a tank. Feed your guppy fry at least once a day, or use an automatic feeder if you will be gone for longer than two days, if you have any in your tank.
Due to their fast growth and development, guppies fry require more food than adult guppies. They can be fed finely crushed flakes or pellets, as well as live or frozen feeds like newborn brine shrimp, daphnia, or micro worms. I hope you find this useful in caring for your guppy fry.
Should You Use an Automatic-feeder for Your Guppies?
An automatic fish feeder are good solution for feeding guppies when busy owners can’t perform daily feedings manually.
There are a few disadvantages to these common live-bearing aquarium fish depending only on an automatic feeder.
Guppies have small mouths suited to eating powdered or finely crushed foods, yet most commercial feed formulations are too large and coarse, risking clogs in the dispenser equipment.

Additionally, machines dispense all food at once instead of the frequent small foraging meals guppies take in nature. This can lead to overfeeding and poor water quality. Breeding females and developing fry have specific dietary needs not accommodated by automatic methods.
Perhaps most importantly, guppies thrive on positive interaction with their owners and may lose beneficial behavioral and social skills if not recognizing hands as the supplier of nutrition. While automatic feeders can be useful in an emergency, the best approach for guppies remains regular manual feedings that mimic natural behaviors.
Guppies are hardy and colorful freshwater fish that can survive without food for up to two weeks in optimal conditions. However, this does not mean that they should be ignored for long periods of time. Guppies require a balanced and varied diet to grow and they can suffer from malnutrition, stress, and disease if they are not fed properly. Therefore, guppy owners should feed their fish regularly and provide them with a clean and healthy environment. If they have to leave their guppies for a few days or weeks, they should prepare their aquarium beforehand and use automatic feeders or vacation feeders to ensure their fish are well-fed and happy.
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