What Human Food Can Guppies Eat? A Complete Guide

Guppies are small and colorful fish that many people love to keep as pets. While they usually eat fish food, they can also enjoy some human foods. This is helpful when you run out of fish food or want to give them a special treat.

But it’s important to know which human foods are safe for guppies. In this guide, we will look at some common human foods that guppies can eat and how to prepare them. By understanding what your guppies can eat, you can keep them happy and healthy.

What Human Food Can Guppies Eat?

Guppies can safely eat a few human foods in small amounts. You can give them boiled peas with the skin removed, boiled spinach cut into small pieces, tiny bits of banana, and small pieces of apple without the skin or seeds. For protein, you can offer mashed boiled egg yolk and plain, unseasoned cooked chicken cut into tiny pieces. Always ensure the food is prepared properly and fed in small amounts to keep your guppies healthy.

Related reading: How long do guppies live without food?

Human Food Can Guppies Eat
Human Food Can Guppies Eat

Vegetables Guppies Can Eat


Peas are an excellent treat for guppies because they are easy to eat and full of essential nutrients. To feed peas to your guppies, follow these steps:

  1. Boil the peas until they are soft.
  2. Remove the outer skin of the peas.
  3. Cut the peas into tiny pieces.
  4. Drop a few pieces into the aquarium.


Spinach is another nutritious vegetable that guppies can eat. It is rich in vitamins and minerals that promote their overall health. To prepare spinach for guppies:

  1. Boil the spinach until it is soft.
  2. Cut the spinach into small pieces.
  3. Feed a small amount to your guppies.

Fruits Guppies Can Eat


Bananas are a sweet and soft treat for guppies. They provide a good source of potassium and vitamins. To feed bananas to your guppies:

  1. Cut a small piece of banana.
  2. Chop it into tiny bits.
  3. Give a small amount to your guppies, being mindful not to overfeed due to the high sugar content.


Apples are another fruit that guppies can safely eat. They are a great source of vitamins. To prepare apples for guppies:

  1. Remove the apple skin and seeds.
  2. Cut the apple into very small pieces.
  3. Offer a few small pieces to your guppies.

Protein-Rich Foods Guppies Can Eat


Eggs are an excellent source of protein for guppies. They help in the growth and development of your fish. To prepare eggs for guppies:

  1. Boil the egg until it is hard.
  2. Mash the egg yolk into very fine pieces.
  3. Give a small amount of the mashed yolk to your guppies.


Cooked chicken can be a good source of protein for guppies. Make sure the chicken is plain and unseasoned. To prepare chicken for guppies:

  1. Boil or bake the chicken without any seasoning.
  2. Cut the chicken into very small pieces.
  3. Feed a few small pieces to your guppies.
Human Food Can Guppies Eat
Human Food Can Guppies Eat

What Vegetables Can Guppies Eat?

Guppies can enjoy a variety of vegetables that are safe and nutritious. Here are some of the best options:


  • Benefits: Peas are easy to eat and full of nutrients.
  • Preparation: Boil peas until they are soft, remove the outer skin, and cut them into tiny pieces.


  • Benefits: Spinach is rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Preparation: Boil the spinach until it is soft, then cut it into small pieces.


  • Benefits: Lettuce is light and easy for guppies to digest.
  • Preparation: Boil the lettuce leaves for a few minutes to soften them, then chop into small pieces.


  • Benefits: Cucumber is hydrating and provides a crunchy texture.
  • Preparation: Peel the cucumber, remove the seeds, and cut it into small slices or chunks.


  • Benefits: Zucchini is a good source of vitamins.
  • Preparation: Boil or steam the zucchini until it is soft, then cut it into small pieces.

Always ensure the vegetables are properly prepared and fed in small amounts to keep your guppies healthy and happy.

Is Rice Safe for Guppies?

Yes, guppies can eat rice, but it should be given in small amounts and not very often. Rice can be a nice treat, but it shouldn’t replace their regular fish food.

How to Prepare Rice for Guppies

Cook the Rice

To make rice safe for guppies, cook it until it is soft. Do not add any salt or seasoning.

Mash the Rice

After cooking, mash the rice into small pieces. This makes it easier for guppies to eat.

Feed in Small Amounts

Give your guppies only a little bit of rice at a time. Too much rice is not good for them.

Important Tips

  • Don’t Overfeed: Rice should only be a small part of their diet.
  • Watch for Leftovers: Remove any uneaten rice from the tank to keep the water clean.
  • Stick to Fish Food: Remember, guppies need their regular fish food to stay healthy.

By following these tips, you can safely give your guppies a rice treat now and then. Always make sure their main diet is good quality fish food.

Is Bread Safe for Guppies?

No, bread is not safe for guppies. Bread can cause several problems for guppies and should be avoided.

Why Bread is Not Good for Guppies

Difficult to Digest

Bread is hard for guppies to digest. It can swell in their stomachs and cause digestive issues.

Lacks Nutrients

Bread does not provide the essential nutrients that guppies need. It is not a suitable food for their diet.

Can Pollute the Water

Bread can quickly break down in water, making the tank dirty. This can harm the water quality and affect your guppies’ health.

What to Feed Guppies Instead

Instead of bread, give your guppies:

  • Fish Food: Specially made for guppies and provides all the nutrients they need.
  • Vegetables: Small pieces of boiled peas or spinach.
  • Protein: Small bits of boiled egg yolk or plain cooked chicken.

By feeding your guppies the right foods, you can keep them healthy and happy. Avoid bread and stick to foods that are safe and nutritious for your guppies.


Guppies can enjoy a variety of human foods in small amounts. Safe options include boiled peas with the skin removed, boiled spinach cut into small pieces, tiny bits of banana, and small pieces of apple without the skin or seeds. For protein, you can give them mashed boiled egg yolk and plain, unseasoned cooked chicken cut into tiny pieces. Always make sure to prepare the food properly and feed it in small amounts to keep your guppies healthy and happy. By offering these safe and nutritious treats, you can provide your guppies with a varied and enjoyable diet.

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